Patricia Astorga, nace y vive en Chile, estudió Licenciatura en Artes en la P. Universidad Católica de Chile, titulándose con distinciones en 1992. Alumna de Gonzalo Cienfuegos y discípula de Ignacio Villegas, logra consolidar su pintura con una fuerte noción del dibujo. Con su proyecto de título guiada por José Balmes, empezarían a esbozarse los lineamentos de su obra artística. Un acucioso estudio del efecto de la luz sobre los elementos de la naturaleza la ha llevado a que ésta sea recurrente en distintos períodos y etapas del desarrollo de su obra. Posteriormente realizó una residencia en Espacio O, plataforma de arte contemporáneo, dando comienzo a una etapa en la que vincularía la fotografía a las cajas de luz. En 2019 obtuvo el Diplomado en Teoría del Arte de la Pont. Universidad Católica de Chile.
Patricia Astorga, was born and lives in Chile, studied Bachelor of Arts at the Universidad Católica de Chile, graduating with honors in 1992. Student of Gonzalo Cienfuegos and disciple of Ignacio Villegas manages to consolidate her painting with a strong notion of drawing. With her graduation project, guided by José Balmes, the lineaments of her artistic work would begin to be outlined. A careful study of the effect of light on the elements of nature has led to it being recurrent in different periods and stages of the development of her work. Later she completed her training with a residency at Espacio O. contemporary art platform. In 2019 she obtained an Art Theory Diploma at “Universidad Católica de Chile”.
La artista chilena Patricia Astorga McIntyre pinta lo que ella llama «paisajes del alma,» paisajes al óleo que no sólo hacen referencia a la amplia variedad de ambientes en su país natal – desiertos, bosques exuberantes, el mar y las altas montañas de los Andes – sino al paisaje interior de ensueño que está dentro de cada individuo. La artista dice que con su trabajo quiere «re-encantar.» Ella describe su estilo artístico como una respuesta al hombre moderno y la necesidad humana de encontrar espacios abiertos de la mansedumbre.
Al igual que el cineasta ruso Andrei Tarkovsky, que espera que su trabajo inspire a la gente a cuestionar la naturaleza de la existencia humana y de nuestra relación con nuestro entorno. Graduada de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Patricia Astorga McIntyre ha participado en varias exposiciones colectivas e individuales. Ella dice que sus años en la Escuela de Arte de la universidad le enseñaron, sobre todo, para luchar contra la mentalidad de que el materialismo, la miseria y el arte van de la mano como la forma más elevada del arte pictórico. Ella cree que su propósito como artista es usar sus materiales para recuperar la libertad, la belleza y la vida.
Karin Maraney
Writing and Social Media Coordinator
ARTmine, N.Y.
Chilean artist Patricia Astorga McIntyre paints what she calls “landscapes of the soul,” oil landscapes that not only reference the wide variety of environments in her native country — deserts, lush forests, ocean and the high Andes Mountains — but the dreamlike inner landscape that is inside every individual. The artist says that she wants her work to “re-enchant.” She describes her artistic style as a response to modern man and the human need to find wide open spaces of gentleness. Like the Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky, she hopes her work will inspire people to question the nature of human existence and our relationship with our environment. A graduate of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Patricia Astorga McIntyre has participated in several group and solo exhibitions. She says her years at the School of Art College taught her, above all, to fight against the mentality that materialism, misery and art go hand in hand as the highest form of pictorial art. She believes her purpose as an artist is to use her materials to recapture freedom, beauty and life.
Karin Maraney
Writing and Social Media Coordinator
ARTmine, N.Y.

Patricia Astorga, born and raised in Chile, studied Arts in the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, graduating with honors in 1992. Student of Gonzalo Cienfuegos and disciple of Ignacio Villegas, manages to consolidate her paintings with a strong notion of drawing. With her graduation project guided by Jose Balmes, the lineaments of her artistic work would begin to be outlined. A diligent study of the effect of light onto nature’s elements has made it a recurrent subject throughout different periods and stages of her work development. Subsequently she took on a residency study at Espacio O under Arturo Duclos, giving way to a phase in which she would link photographs to light boxes. Currently she obtained a certificate in Art Theory at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.